
I wanted to celebrate and thank YOU for being so wonderful! Every day I’m thankful for your comments and support, so here’s to you!

Well another year has gone by, and my blog BstyledbyJeanDalida just turned two. 2015 been a year of huge change and giant steps forward, for me  and my blog as a whole. I started with humble beginnings and hopes that the blog would help me grow more accustomed to sharing my passion in Fashion with others. It was also a huge step for me to announce to the world that I was a fashion enthusiast, that I can make it in the Fashion World. In 2 years I’ve done some cool stuffs, met some great people, a handful who are my closest friends today. I would like to grab this chance to thank many other fantastic people decided to join me in this beautiful crazy adventure, and helped me a great deal in shaping what Bstyled has become today! To my readers who keep coming back and reading my posts… YOU’RE AMAZING!!

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I wanted to celebrate and thank YOU for being so wonderful! Every day I’m thankful for your comments and support, so here’s to you!

There’s  NO better way to thank you than a GIVEAWAYYYYYY! WOOOHOO!

 I’m happy to announce that I am giving away a  Suesh Personal Vanity(Kikay) Kit and a V.V Book . All you have to do is to follow all the mechanics to win!

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FOLLOW me on IG: @skinniestjean

FOLLOW me on TWITTER: @skinniestjean

LIKE me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/bstyledbyjeandalida/

SHARE this GIVEAWAY post in FB and TWITTER: Use hashtag #BstyledbyJeanDalida and #Bstyled2ndBlogiversary

(Make it sure that your post is PUBLIC so I will be able to see it. )

Here’s what you can get.


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This giveaway will run until January 31st. One lucky winner will be announced on the 1st of January here in my blog and vlog. So what are you waiting for? Join now so you can have a chance to win a vanity kit and a VV book. Make sure you follow all (4) Steps and tell all your friends! Goodluck loves!


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12 thoughts on “#Bstyled2ndBlogiversary

  1. JOINED! I really like to win the Suesh Vanity Kit ❤ Been eye-ing for it since last year.

    *Done following you on IG, Twitter & FB 🙂
    IG – @nesyaaa08
    Twitter – @nesyaaaa08
    Facebook – So Haute (https://www.facebook.com/s0haut3)

    *Shared post URLs:
    Twitter – https://twitter.com/nesyaaa08/status/686751923911786496
    FB – https://www.facebook.com/s0haut3/posts/584964241661483

    By the way, Congratulations to your blog. Happy 2nd year 🙂
    and Thank you sooo much for this giveaway. Hope to win! *crossed fingers*

    Stay pretty and Have a great year ahead…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for this chance. 🙂 Surely this would be a big help to me as an aspiring fashion stylist and blogger. Happy 2nd anniversary!! ^_^ Keep inspiring.
    Followed all the instructions.
    FB: Ninz Mandap https://www.facebook.com/karole.mandap.73
    IG: @qaninartsy
    Twitter: @qaninartsy

    Shared Url’s:
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/karole.mandap.73/posts/1679715508944012?pnref=story
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/qaninartsy/status/686859076886634497


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